Uncommon courage: Father bites crocodile to save 12 year old son

A Pilipino father, Tejada Abulhasan, has saved his 12-year-old son from the jaws of a crocodile by sinking his teeth into the ferocious animal.
Mr Abulhasan heard the calls for help and ran over 100 yards from his house to the river armed with a plank of wood.
12-year-old Diego Abulhasan had been swimming with his younger brother in a river near the family home in Balabac town, in the Palawan region of Philippines, when a crocodile attacked and dragged him underwater.
Abulhasan hit the crocodile with the plank repeatedly.
In an act of desperation, Abulhasan grabbed hold of the animal and bit into its leg several times.
The crocodile released the boy and swam away in the murky water. The little boy was immediately taken to the hospital.
Abulhasan told the police that he did not hesitate to jump into the river and wrestle the crocodile because his son’s life was at stake.
“There was so much adrenaline in my body I had no time to think. I was hitting the crocodile and it would not release my boy. I was wrestling the crocodile and we looked in each other’s eyes,” he said.
Source: QED.ng
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