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Why I Hate Kissing On Movie Set – Actress Asabe Madaki

Asabe Madaki is a creative and talented actress who has featured in many Nollywood and Kannywood movies. A trained oil and gas lawyer, who is passionate about her craft, Asabe is inspired by the determination to carve a niche for herself in the entertainment industry and invest in the welfare of the downtrodden. She speaks more about her journey in the industry in this interview.

Q. You are a trained lawyer, what informed the passion for acting or were you inspired by someone?

A. The passion for acting started since I was a child from my primary school and in my secondary school because I was part of the drama club. During my NYSC, I joined the drama team. I was always in drama club, press club, debate club because that was where my passion lies. I like to use my voice because I am quite and a calm person but when it comes to acting, I am outspoken. I try to make an impact and send a message to the people.
That’s where the passion started and if there was anybody that inspired me or I looked up to? Yes, there are a couple of people that I looked up to and saw that they are making impact in their acting career and people look up to them as well. The reason is that as a young person, we have people we look at and say, ‘I am a fan of such person or this person is my mentor’. But now, we see a situation where in the entertainment industry those people you look up to, what exactly are people learning from them, is it the positive or negative things?
I told myself that I well get into this industry and make a positive impact especially for the youths. Let them have somebody especially the girl child, who she can look up to and aim to be like tomorrow like a mentee. That’s just the driving force.

Q. You said somewhere that one thing you’re not comfortable with about Nollywood movies is the area of romance and kissing. But as an actor, you are expected to play any role. Is this not a minus on your part?
A. I would not say it’s a minus because you can convey romance without kissing or touching. For me, you can convey love feelings with your eyes without touching. Note, I don’t have anything against those that do romance and kissing because they are acting and it’s not really. But from where I come from, its just the cultural thing because in the north we are conservative in nature. But I don’t have anything against those that do it.
However, I don’t agree that it’s a minus on my part because I can always portray romance with my body language and my eyes. I don’t have to touch or kiss and I have a limit to my touching. I can hug, I can peck but not deep kiss like french kissing. Aside the culture; for me, I can’t just kiss everybody. As an actor, you kiss this person, you kiss that person, I don’t see myself doing that. I am naturally just irritated, it’s saliva you are exchanging.

Q. One of your dreams is to establish an organisation that will defend the rights of the down trodden especially the women. Tell us more about your mission.
A. Where we are in this country, the downtrodden especially the disable are always neglected, it’s like they are not part of the society. You look at the global world, they are given priority even more than you and I. That is why they are called people with special needs.
Their human rights are prioritized but that’s not the case in this country and that’s what I have looked at. Even the girl child especially in the north, there are a lot of privileges she doesn’t have like right to education. The male child is given priority over that and I feel I can help in this aspect especially, the disabled and the downtrodden. I need to help the girl child to be a voice because they don’t have a voice.

Q. You played the role of a queen in the movie Maimuna. What was the biggest challenge playing the role of a queen?
A Most of the major roles I have played like Sarauniya, I was queen. In the movie Amina, I was also a Princess; it’s a role that I have always carried, which is royalty. Even the family I am from, we are from a royal family, so I always fit into that perfectly. So, it wasn’t a challenging role for me to play. The challenge to me on that set was traveling everyday from Kaduna to Zaria because I didn’t stay on location with them.

Q. Did you win the award for the Best Actress in African Film Cultural Festival ?
A I did not win and I did not go.

Q. You are also a singer, how has the acceptance being like?
You know how it’s. In everything there are those that will love what you do and those that will criticise what you do. There are also those that completely do not like what you do. I have all those responses, people asking me ‘why should you be doing music, a northern woman and you are dancing in the music video, why would you?
You said you want to help the girl child, how are you helping the girl child? I have had people say we love what you do because you are showing us that being educated is important because that’s what I preach everywhere. I always tell them that education for the girl child is important and at the same time, she can be who she wants to be. I have had different criticism and I will say that the reception has been very welcoming. I am happy and I am going to do more with my music.

Q. What message were you trying to pass with your song ‘E go better’?
A. Nigerian has always been faced with economic, security and a lot of other problems. Growing up, we have always heard that it’s going to be better, it will get well. However, people are in despair, their hope is shattered. Doing that song was to awaken them and tell them not to lose hope because Nigeria will be better. People need to keep hearing that always because it’s like a lot of people have given up on this project called Nigeria.

Q. Let’s look at the movie ‘Almajiri’ where you featured alongside Alex Ekubo. Do you think government efforts at bringing down the number of ‘Almajiris’ in the country has been successful especially with the major role played by former President Goodluck Jonathan?
A. There has been an improvement but I don’t think the northern leadership has been able to maintain that momentum that former President Jonathan started with. I know that my governor tried, I don’t know about other governors . I know that a lot needs to be done on the Almajiri issue.

Q. Is it true that Christians suffer marginalisation in Kannywood?
A I will say it’s non existent because I am in Kannywood and I still get my roles. I believe there’s a perception that christians have about Kannywood, maybe they are not pushing to get in. If you look at Kannywood, you can hand pick the Christians that are actors. It’s just a few of us. You can hand pick us from the crowd.
By the time we are that negligible those that are there or those that are outside will feel neglected. Before you call me, you would have called 50 of the other people because they’re more in number, but it doesn’t mean that there is preferential treatment in Kannywood. It’s about numbers. So, the more christians get into the industry, the more there will be a balance.

Q. You tried to form a group similar to Kannywood, what happened to it?
A. Kadawood is just for Kaduna actors, it’s not as if it’s parallel organisation to Kannywood because we’re still part of Kannywood. We formed that group so that we can do something as Kaduna actors and partner with the government. It’s not a rival to Kannywood. It’s still in existence and functional.

Q. What area of law did you specialise in?
A. Oil and gas law.

Q. It’s funny to know that someone with that kind of specialisation in law will delve into acting
A. It’s about interest. Law also have many facets. That I am a lawyer doesn’t mean I am not practising. Not appearing in court doesn’t mean I am not practising. I still give advise but I don’t do litigation. That’s why I told you that there are other aspects of law like mediation, arbitration and alternate dispute resolution, which is the angle I am looking at the moment where you mediate between parties. You negotiate between parties, that is another angle that some people are not aware of because a lot of people believe that being a lawyer is all about going to court.
Being a lawyer has helped me to excel in the industry because there’s entertainment law and I still give my colleagues advice. I still help them to go through the draft of their contact agreement and when they are having issues with people, I tell them what to do. It’s not like my knowledge of law is wasted. Acting is about interest for me and passion, that’s why I am doing it.

Q. What’s your definition of love and the qualities you are looking for in a man you want to settle down with?
A.God fearing man who will support my dream and I will support his.

Q. What’s the target you have set for yourself as an actor?
A. I want to go to Hollywood and be on the Oscars podium one day.

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