
Minimum Wage: Maritime Workers Vow To Shut Down Seaports

The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) has vowed to comply with the directive of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), to shut down economic activities at the seaports nationwide over the refusal of the Federal Government to increase the minimum wage and increment of electricity tariffs.

This was made known in a press statement issued by the head of Media, MWUN, Kennedy Ikemefuna, who said the port workers will join in the indefinite strike action by enforcing the total lockdown of the country’s seaports commencing from Monday, June 3.

The statement stated that the president-general of MWUN, Adewale Adeyanju, said the Union was obliged to comply with the directive of NLC and TUC.

“The MWUN under the leadership of Comrade Adeyanju, has obliged to comply with the directive of NLC and TUC to join in the indefinite total lock down of the country commencing from Monday, the 3rd of June, 2024.

“The indefinite nationwide strike has become very imperative, given the failure of the Federal Government on the and refusal tariff.

“In view of the foregoing, the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria has directed its members in all ports nationwide, jetties, terminals, oil & gas platforms to effectively ensure the total compliance of the strike as directed by the NLC and TUC. This is also to serve as notice to all our concerned stakeholders in the Maritime sector

You will recall that RovingNaija News had reported that the Organised Labour on Friday declared an indefinite nationwide strike action starting from Monday over the failure of the federal government to conclude on the national minimum wage and refusal to reverse the new electricity tariff.

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Rita Elenwo

Rita Aletor- Elenwo, is a professional journalist with experience in broadcast, print and online reporting. A proud citizen of Edo state, Nigeria (Esan South East Local Government) Rita had her first degree in philosophy from Ebonyi State University (2008), PGD, in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt (2020), and currently in pursuit of an MSC degree in communication. Rita (nee Aletor-) is happily married with lovely children.

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