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Just In: Rowdy Session In House of Reps Over Tinubu’s Request To Extend 2023 Budget

President Bola Tinubu’s has asked the National Assembly to extend the 2023 capital component of the 2023 Appropriation Act and the Supplementary Appropriation Act until 31 December.

The request, which was made on Thursday. polarized the House of Representatives along party lines, as opposition lawmakers opposed the proposal.

President Tinubu seeks the extension of the two budgets until 31 December to allow for a full implementation of the law.
However, the opposition to the president’s request forced the lawmakers into an executive session amid loud booing from members of the opposition parties.
The lawmakers are currently in the executive session that ensued after Speaker Abbas Tajudeen became unable to restore order to the Chamber.
President Tinubu inherited the N21.8 trillion budget from his predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari.

However, the capital component of the budget suffered during the transition period, as many of the projects in the 2023 budget were not funded while the new administration settled in

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Rita Elenwo

Rita Aletor- Elenwo, is a professional journalist with experience in broadcast, print and online reporting. A proud citizen of Edo state, Nigeria (Esan South East Local Government) Rita had her first degree in philosophy from Ebonyi State University (2008), PGD, in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt (2020), and currently in pursuit of an MSC degree in communication. Rita (nee Aletor-) is happily married with lovely children.

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