
Update: Better Minimum Wage Coming – Governors Assure Labour 

The Nigeria Governors’ Forum has assured Nigerians and the organised labour that better minimum wage will result from ongoing negotiations.

In a communiqué the FG indicated that the forum discussed the new national minimum wage and agreed to continue engaging with key stakeholders to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

 “The Forum received a presentation from the Minister of Women Affairs on the World Bank-Nigeria for Women Project Scale-Up, along with other activities of the ministry. Members noted the importance of the project and emphasized the need to implement it at the state level as initially conceived, as the states are the primary obligors of the project.

“The governors acknowledge the work and contributions of the Ministry of Women Affairs in promoting gender equality, empowering women, and advancing social development across Nigeria.

“The Forum discussed the new National Minimum Wage. The governors agreed to continue engaging with key stakeholders to reach a mutually agreeable solution. We remain dedicated to the process and assure that better wages will result from the ongoing negotiations.”

The 36 state governors highlighted the significance of the World Bank-Nigeria for Women Project Scale-Up and stressed the necessity of implementing it at the state level as originally intended, given that the states are the primary entities responsible for the project.

The communique stated that ” We, members of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF), at our meeting held today, deliberated on issues affecting the country.

“Members received the Acting Country Director of the World Bank, Mr. Taimur Samad, and his team to discuss the bank’s various programmes currently being implemented in the states, including HOPE Series of Projects: Nigeria Human Capital Opportunities for Prosperity and Equality, Food and Nutrition Security, NFWP-SU: Nigeria For Women Project Scale Up, NG-CARES: Nigeria Community Action (for) Resilience and Economic Stimulus Programme SABER: State Action on Business Enabling Reforms Program, SPIN: Sustainable Power and Irrigation for Nigeria Project.

“Members expressed willingness to continue to provide the much-needed support to ensure programme effectiveness across the country.

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Rita Elenwo

Rita Aletor- Elenwo, is a professional journalist with experience in broadcast, print and online reporting. A proud citizen of Edo state, Nigeria (Esan South East Local Government) Rita had her first degree in philosophy from Ebonyi State University (2008), PGD, in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt (2020), and currently in pursuit of an MSC degree in communication. Rita (nee Aletor-) is happily married with lovely children.

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