
Global Praise And Worship In Memory of TB Joshua’s Landmarks


The Christian faithfuls across the globe stood still in joy and resonance of purity as hallmark of human existence: altruism, love, holiness and humanitarianism vibrated in the hearts of many as the great prophet, humanist and extra-ordinary philanthropist, TB Joshua’s third year anniversary of his glorious departure from the earth was celebrated on June 5, 2021.

Dr. Kirstan Nematandam, a South African nationalist who flew in to Ikotun Egbe, Lagos to partake in the solemn night ceremony described the all night praise and worship event as ‘a spiritual high watershed, and great moment in all continents of the world to thank God for the grace upon TB Joshua, the founder of Synagogue Church of All Nations, Ikotun, Nigeria, His ineffable love for mankind and His Creation’.

“TB Joshua was a great man of God whose life was Christlike, living the Word and practicing the Word, he was the light shining in darkness, the most humble man you could ever come across who touched the lives of millions, preaching the Word with power and with an extra-ordinary philanthropy across the universe” he said.

Notwithstanding the simultaneous happening of the event in several nations across the world, many still flew into Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, SCOAN’s headquarters. visitors from many African countries, America, Asia, Middle East and Europe filled the Cathedral to the brim.
Significantly before the June 5 event, Emmanuel TV Partners, the broadcasting arm of SCOAN had carried out stupendous charity works in their respective domains.

The atmosphere was ecclesiastically electrifying as people from all walks of life spoke glowingly of the transformational power of God in their lives by their encounters with TBJOSHUA

Pastor Robert Acosta, leading Pastor from Argentina has this to say.
“The men of God who impacted lives and transformed generations under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit never die. The Bible says, ‘their works with them continue’.
“The teachings, the example, the impartation continue to live on in our hearts and in our lives. Prophet T.B. Joshua, his life, example and ministry has been a gift from God to the whole world but in a particular way to my life, my wife and family, and to our church and congregation.

“He was our pastor, our friend, for five years until he passed on to glory, and we continue to live with the legacy he had left us. The impartation we had received from the Holy Spirit through the life of the man of God, continues to bring healing to the sick, raise cripples, perform amazing miracles and deliverances.

Not only should we but we want to honor God for the life of the man of God, that is why we came to Nigeria to exalt God and I believe that just as in the days of Elisha, when he had already departed, there was anointing in his bones, I believe there is still much anointing to continue resurrecting lives and ministries, not by a man that had passed on to glory, but by the Spirit of God that continues to operate.
“We have come to honor God with joyful activities for this great man of God.
He has been for me a father in the Lord, a friend, a Pastor and has been an honor from Heaven to have walked and shared time with him, his teachings, his advice, his prayers have transformed our lives.
“Even today, in our radios, discipleships and meetings his teachings are still alive. God has done it through the man of God”.

Pastor Sandro Gomes dos Santos, leading the Brazilian group was full of vivacity;
“I am here to celebrate the birthday of Prophet T.B. Joshua, a unique man, a unique prophet, a great man of God and his legacy remains. It is ageless and cannot be forgotten. The good works he did here on earth are wonderful and cannot be forgotten.

“Prophet T.B. Joshua impacted my life not only with his ministry of miracles, signs and wonders, but with his love for the Word. When he spoke the Word, it went straight into my heart and changed the way I was and the way I thought. His teaching on offence and forgiveness completely changed my heart. With him, I learnt how to let go of offence and the importance of having a pure heart.
“He exemplified everything he taught, his life was a life of excellence. Prophet T.B. Joshua’s legacy is beyond time and will remain forever. He is a special man of God, there is no other like him. The opportunity to be here on this anniversary for me is a gift from God.

“I come to honour the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua and his legacy. As the Bible says: He who honours a prophet receives a prophet’s reward. This is an opportunity given by God, not man. God in His infinite grace allowed me to come and showed me that,

“His anointing and power continues here in this ministry through Pastor Evelyn Joshua. There is a fresh anointing, something new and extraordinary. The wonders of God continue to work here at SCOAN. God has done great and extraordinary things through Prophet T.B. Joshua and that mantle continue to rest upon Pastor Evelyn Joshua, just as it did with Elisha. I am so grateful to be here to celebrate the life and legacy of Prophet T.B. Joshua”.

Engineer Kolawole Samuel, from Sokoto has this to say:

“We thank God for the life of our father in the Lord, Prophet TB Joshua and also our mother, Pastor Evelyn Joshua who has continued to uplift the mantle that our prophet laid down for us. She has not allowed the mantle to drop down and fall away. We thank God for our lives.

“For the past 14 years, I have been part of the ministry and for the grace of God in our prophet and the grace I received through the anointing, I have not stopped coming despite the fact that I come from the far North of Nigeria, Sokoto.

“I can’t stop coming. In fact, the ministry is already part of me. If I have the grace to come every two weeks, I won’t hesitate. But each time God gives me grace, I make sure I come. For the past 14 years,June has been in my schedule. “Every year, I specifically budget for June to be here for our Prophet’s birthday. After his passing, we are still coming from the moment the church was reopened because of the grace of God in the life of our prophet and our mother in the Lord, Pastor Evelyn Joshua

“Our prophet is a great prophet. He is one prophet I ever agree with. I joined the Emmanuel TV at my home in July 2006. It was a Muslim brother, who installed the television in his home that introduced the channel to me. I was not used to following any prophet or pastor until I came across TB JOSHUA. It was the Muslim brother who informed me that almost everyone was installing Emmanuel TV at home both Christians and Muslims! It triggered me and asked him to install it for me. When I started watching, I started seeing things I had never seen or heard in my life, especially the teachings of the prophet, the deliverances, the prophecies and the act of giving.

The way he treated people inspired me to follow him the most. I came for the first time in August, 2012. Since then I have been coming. ‘God has raised my level to another level. I never personally met the prophet until 2014 when I gave my first live testimony. I have always come. God has been so wonderful. God is really with our prophet and those of us following him.

It is the Holy Spirit that can do things and not we by ourselves!
“We should keep praying for our mummy for the fire of the Holy Spirit to continue to influence her. It is God that can do it. The work will keep growing. We shall keep praying for her that God should strengthen her in the work of the ministry”.

To Mr. Segun Olanipekun, one of the Coordinators full of excitement said: “The last three years have been been joyful activities and the ministry has greatly expanded to the glory of God. Some of the programs that I can remember that have taken place under Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s leadership are:

The church was reopened after about two years of lockdown, we had a three-day revival on the prayer mountain.

Akure branch was reopened, frequent weekly charity work in the church,

Partners, revival, crusade and charity meetings in South Africa,Ghana. Lusaka, Zambia Madrid in Spain, Kenya, France, Germany, UK , USA, Canada and Nigeria. The tempo for these activities has been more reinforced.The church has remained in the precious arms of the Lord. It has been a wonderful three years of God’s tremendous grace for the church”.
Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN today is the exemplification of the biblical word of Prophet Isaiah: the mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.

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