General Entertainment

PHOTOS: Lady Baths Herself With Numerous Eggs To Pray For True Love

Getting true love is becoming a herculean task for ladies and this appears to be informing their decision to go extra-mile in breaking the yoke.

The pictures and video of a Young lady bathing herself with numerous eggs has confirmed this statement and has been eliciting reactions on social media.

The lady who was speaking in igbo language, could be seen in the video breaking several eggs, and pouring them over her body while praying to receive “true love”

The lady who referred to herself as ‘Anastacia Michael’ muttered the words ‘I break the yoke’, fire, fire them’ as she broke the eggs.

From the full create of egg beside her, what is left to break is less than half as she continued to break the eggs one after the other and pour it on her head.

See pictures below:

Seun Akin

Seun Johnson is a professional journalist and proficient media strategist with over 10 years of consistent work experience. He is Verse in content creation and versatile in editorial administration with a deep knowledge in digital, print and broadcast journalism.

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