
Reps Passes Bill To Return Old National Anthem

The House of Representatives during plenary on Thursday passed a bill proposing that the country returns to reciting the old National Anthem.

The bill, sponsored by the Leader of the House, Julius Ihonvbere, was passed for second and third reading on the floor of the House during plenary in Abuja.

The bill will now be sent to the Senate for concurrence before being sent to the president for assent.

Here is the old Anthem 

Nigeria we hail thee, Our own dear native land,Though tribe and tongue may differ,In brotherhood we stand,Nigerians all, and proud to serve Our sovereign Motherland.Our flag shall be a symbol,That truth and justice reign,In peace or battle honour’d,And this we count as gain,To hand on to our children, A banner without stain.

O God of all creation,Grant this our one request,Help us to build a nation Where no man is oppressed, And so with peace and plenty, Nigeria may be blessed.

Details coming.

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Rita Elenwo

Rita Aletor- Elenwo, is a professional journalist with experience in broadcast, print and online reporting. A proud citizen of Edo state, Nigeria (Esan South East Local Government) Rita had her first degree in philosophy from Ebonyi State University (2008), PGD, in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt (2020), and currently in pursuit of an MSC degree in communication. Rita (nee Aletor-) is happily married with lovely children.

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