
Fed Govt Sues 36 States At Supreme Court Over Local Govt Autonomy

The federal government through the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice (AGF), Lateef Fagbemi has sued the thirty-six governors before the Supreme Court to ensure the autonomy of the nation’s local governments.

In a suit, marked SC/CV/343/2024, which was filed on May 20, by AGF, the federal government is praying the Apex Court for an order prohibiting state governors from unilateral, arbitrary, and unlawful dissolution of democratically elected leaders for local governments.

FG also prayed the Supreme Court for an order permitting the funds standing in the credits of local governments to be channelled to them from the federation account in line with the provisions of the Constitution as against the alleged unlawful joint accounts created by governors.

It wanted an order stopping governors from constituting caretaker committees to run the affairs of local governments as against the constitutionally recognized and guaranteed democratic system.

Also, the federal government wants an order of injunction restraining the governors, their agents, and privies from receiving, spending or tampering with funds released from the Federation Account for the benefit of local governments when no democratically elected local government system is put in place in the states. 

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Rita Elenwo

Rita Aletor- Elenwo, is a professional journalist with experience in broadcast, print and online reporting. A proud citizen of Edo state, Nigeria (Esan South East Local Government) Rita had her first degree in philosophy from Ebonyi State University (2008), PGD, in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt (2020), and currently in pursuit of an MSC degree in communication. Rita (nee Aletor-) is happily married with lovely children.

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